A summary of the methodology

The Global Landslide Detector monitors and analyzes Twitter image streams to capture landslide reports in real-time. The tweets collection is performed using multilingual keywords (see below the complete list) curated with the help of domain experts. The system uses several image processing machine learning models to analyze images and identify those showing landslides, mudslides, rockslides, etc. The system also detects duplicate images and only shows an incident’s first occurrence. The landslide tweets are automatically geo-tagged using location names mentioned in the tweets. Please refer to the following papers for more information about the models and system architecture.

Related publications

  1. Ferda Ofli, Muhammad Imran, Umair Qazi, Julien Roch, Catherine Pennington, Vanessa J. Banks, and Remy Bossu, Landslide Detection in Real-Time Social Media Image Streams, In: Neural Computing & Applications (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-023-08648-0

  2. Ferda Ofli, Umair Qazi, Muhammad Imran, Julien Roch, Catherine Pennington, Vanessa Banks, and Remy Bossu, A Real-time System for Detecting Landslide Reports on Social Media using Artificial Intelligence, International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), 2022

  3. Catherine Pennington, Remy Bossu, Ferda Ofli, Muhammad Imran, Umair Qazi, Julien Roch, and Vanessa J. Banks A Near-Real-Time Global Landslide Incident Reporting Tool Demonstrator Using Social Media and Artificial Intelligence,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022
For a complete list of Crisis Computing publications, please visit: https://crisiscomputing.qcri.org/publications/

Landslide keywords

The GLD system uses landslide-related keywords (N=340) in 32 languages for collecting tweets. The data collection of the GLD system is powered by the AIDR system

landslide, landslides, rockfall, rock-fall, rockslide, rockslides, mudslide, mudslides, mudflow, mudflows, landslip, earthslip, Sturzstrom, avalanche, cliff fall, cliff collapse
Rrëshqitje toke, Rrëshqitje shkëmbore, Rrëshqitjet shkëmbore, Rrëshqitje e tipit “rënie e coprave dhe blloqeve shkembore, Rrjedhje balte, Rrjedhjet balte, Rrëshqitje dheu, Rrëshqitje toke, Rrëshqitje e tipit “ortekë
انهيار أرضي , انزلاق أرضي , سقوط صخري, انهيار صخري , الانهيارات الصخرية, الإنزلاق الطيني , الإنزلاقات الطينية, الانزلاق الأرضي ، انزلاق الأرض, الانهيار الجليدي
lur-irristatzea, harri-jausia , harri erorketa, arroka-irristatzea, Lur-kolada, azal-irristatzea , gainazaleko-irristatzea, higakin-korrontea
kliziste, klizista, odron, odroni, blatni tok, blatni tokovi, zemljani tok, zemljani tokovi, lavina, lavine
lliscament de terra, esllavissada de terra, Despreniments de roques, colada de terra, corriment de terra, allau, Esllavissaments superficials
滑坡 , 山体滑坡, 岩崩, 岩滑, 泥石流, 山体塌方 ,地崩, 雪崩
odron, klizište, , lavina
Aardverschuiving, aardverschuivingen, Bergstorting , Rotslawine, steenlawine, puinlawine, Modderlawine, Modderstroom, modderstromen, Lawine
glissement de terrain, glissements de terrain, chute de pierres, coulée de boue, effondrement, avalanche
მეწყერი, ქვათაცვენა, კლდეზვავი, კლდეზვავები, ღვარცოფი, ღვარცოფები, , ზვავი
Erdrutsch, Erdrutsche, Bergrutsch, Bergrutsche, Hangrutsch, Hangrutsche, Hangrutschung, Hangrutschungen, Abrutschung, Abrutschungen, Steinrutschung, Steinrutschung, Hangmure, Hangmuren, Steinschlag, Steinschläge, Murgang, Murgänge, Mure, Muren, Schlammlawine, Schlammlawinen, Murenabgang, Murenabgänge, Bergsturz, Bergstürze, Lawine, Lawinen, Schneelawine, Schneelawinen, Eislawine, Eislawinen, Staublawine, Staublawinen
κατολίσθηση, καθίζηση εδάφους, πτώση βράχου, βραχολίσθηση, ολίσθηση λάσπης, λασπολίσθηση, καθίζηση έδαφους, χιονοστιβάδα
kőlavina, hólavina, földcsuszamlás, talajcsúszás, talajcsuszamlás, sárfolyás, talajfolyás, iszapfolyás, sárlavina, talajkúszás, suvadás, kőomlás, hegyomlás, hegyomlások, iszapár, földcsuszamlás,földcsuszamlások, sárlavina, sárlavinák, törmeléklavina, lavina, lavinák
رانش زمین , زمین لغزه, ریزش سنگ, سنگ بارش, سنگ لغزه, گل لغزه, , بهمن,
frana, frane, crollo di roccia, crolli di roccia, caduta massi, cadute massi, smottamento,smottamenti, slavina, slavine,
地すべり, 土砂災害, 土砂崩れ, 山津波, 地滑り, 山崩れ, 山, , , 坍, 土石流, 雪崩, 表層雪崩, 滑り
산사태, 낙석, 암반사태, 진흙사태, 이류, 사태, 눈사태
tanah runtuh, kejatuhan batu, tanah runtuh, lumpur
pagguho ng lupa, pagkahulog ng bato, putik sa lupa
osuwisko, osuwiska, obryw skalny, obrywy skale, osuwisko skalne, osuwiska skalne, lawina błotna, lawiny błotne, osuwisko, lawina, lawiny
deslizamento de terras, Queda de rochas, deslizamento de rochas, Queda de blocos, deslizamento de lamas, lamas, Movimentos de massa, Avalanche
alunecare de teren, alunecare de teren cu caderi de roci, caderi de roci, alunecare de noroi, alunecare de pamant, avalansa, alunecări de stănci, deplasări de teren
оползень, оползни, зсув, зсув грунту, зсув ґрунту, обвал , обвал скель , падіння скель, камнепад , грязьовий потік , селеві потоки , обрушение, лавина
Ho heleha hoa mobu, Ho theteha hoa mafika, Seretse se phallang, Ho hlefoha hoa lefats'e, Ho heleha, le ho phalla hoa lehloa
zemeljski plaz, skalni podor, skalni zdrs, skalni zdrsi, blatni tok, blatni tokovi, zdrs pobočja, zdrs zemljine, plaz
Deslizamiento, deslizamiento de tierra, caída de roca, desprendimientos de rocas,deslizamiento de rocas, avalancha de barro, deslizamiento de barro, deslizamiento de lodo, Colapso
skred, skreden, jordskred, jordskreden, bergskred, lerskred, släntstabilitet,kvicklera, snöskred, lavin
heyelan, toprak kayması, Kaya Düşmesi, kaya kayması, çamur kayması, akması, çığ